Altana |
Mr. Costantino 42 yrs |
2 o Cuoco. Waited so long to leave the ship that he finally had to
jump, fracturing two ribs. Treated at Roosevelt Hospital |
Ambrosini |
Mr. Andrea |
Operaio frig. Rescued by the Thomas |
Ammendolia |
Mr. Fausto |
Piccolo com. CMU. |
Angeli |
Mr. Antonio |
Cabin Class Capo Partita Sals |
Annunziata |
Mr. Vincenzo |
Helmsman |
Arcidiacono |
Mr. Carlo |
Cam re |
Arecco |
Ms. Maria |
camer |
Arena |
Mr. Francesco |
Waiter com |
Arena |
Mr. Giuseppe |
2 o Cuoco |
Arena |
Mr. Letterio |
Com |
Avenia |
Mr. Luigi |
Cabin Boy com |
Avigo |
Mr. Cattulo |
Sailor. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Mr. Ciro |
Mr. Cam Argent. Steward. Rescued by the Ile de France. |
Babuscio |
Mr. Paolo |
Cam re |
Badano |
Mr. Francesco |
Greaser |
Badano |
Officer Guido |
Second Officer Junior on the bridge during the
collision. Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Baghino |
Mr. Giorgio |
Assistant Waiter com MSCa. Rescued by the Thomas |
Bagnato |
Mr. Mario Giuseppe |
Deck Boy. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Ballaben |
Mr. Bruno |
Assistant Waiter |
Balsamo |
Mr. Achille |
Cam Sal uffi CMU |
Balzano |
Mr. Gaetano 35 yrs |
Cabin Boy. Treated at St. Vincent's Hospital |
Ban |
Mr. Giordano |
Electrician. Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Banchero |
Mr. Gregorio |
Camer bcp Rescued by the Thomas |
Barone |
Mr. Francesco |
Greaser |
Barraco |
Mr. Felice |
Operaio mecc |
Barraco |
Mr. Vincenzo |
Operaio mot |
Basile |
Mr. Raffaele |
Waiter com |
Bassi |
Mr. Antonio |
Piccolo sc |
Basso |
Mr. Luigi |
Greaser |
Battista |
Ms. Giuseppina 33 yrs. |
Head presser in the laundry facility. Rescued
by the Stockholm. Passed away Oct 1998. |
Battois |
Mr. Giorgio |
Cabin Class kitchen
boy. Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Bauci |
Mr. Giordano |
Cabin Class Waiter cuc |
Beck |
Mr. Michele |
Capo Sala |
Bellocchio |
Mr. Luciano |
Waiter Guard |
Benci |
Mr. Ermenegildo |
camer |
Benesch |
Mr. Benito |
Cabin Boy |
Benzi |
Mr. Alessio |
First class steward.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Bersani |
Mr. Salvatore |
Orchestr 1a |
Bertini |
Officer Emilio |
Tourist Class Purser. Rescued by the Thomas |
Bertok |
Mr. Calisto |
Greaser. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Betro |
Mr. Francesco |
Maro Casser. Rescued by the Thomas |
Bianco |
Mr. Attilio |
Tipografo B |
Biasol |
Mr. Ermando |
Waiter com. Rescued by the Thomas |
Biondino |
Mr. Nunziato |
Cam com |
Bochino |
Mr. Francesco |
Printer. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Bonanini |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Cam com. |
Bonanno |
Mr. Francesco |
2. Elettricista |
Bonato |
Mr. Arnaldo |
Piccolo Scelto |
Bonivento |
Officer Adolfo |
Second Purser, Tourist class. |
Boriello |
Mr. Antonio |
Assistant Waiter com CMC |
Borsarelli |
Bartolomeo |
Camer lusso. Rescued by the Thomas |
Botto |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Cam Sal Uff CMU |
Bovegenio |
Mr. Salvatore |
Steward. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Bria |
Mr. Cosimo |
2nd Electrician.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Brunelli |
Mr. Carlo |
camer |
Brunetto |
Mr. Francesco |
1o Inferm |
Bullo |
Mr. Rolando |
Caffettiere |
Buonaccorsi |
Mr. Alfredo |
Piccolo sc |
Buono |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Fouchista |
Busco |
Mr. Mario |
camer |
Officer Carlo 52 yrs |
Second Officer, Radio Operator. Tapped out SOS IECH and the
message that set in motion the greatest sea rescue operation in peacetime history.
Rescued by the Stockholm. Passed away in 1992. |
Cacace |
Mr. Luciano |
Carbonaio |
Calamai |
Superior Captain Piero
58 yrs |
Master of the Andrea Doria. Rescued
by the Edward Allen. Passed away in 1972. |
Callegari |
Mr. Fernando |
Cabin Class Waiter cuc |
Calligaris |
Mr. Menotti |
Camer. Rescued by the Thomas |
Cama |
Officer Emanuele |
Assistant Second Officer, engine room.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Campo |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Not technically part of the
crew. He was an Italian Government Inspector for the emigrants. |
Campodonico |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Maro vedetta |
Camporeale |
Mr. Vincenzo |
Assistant Waiter. Rescued by the Thomas |
Canale |
Mr. Eduardo |
Steward. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Canale |
Mr. Mario |
Store keeper.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Cantore |
Mr. Stefano |
Cam Sal Uff CMU |
Cappai |
Mr. Antonio |
Operaio mot |
Cappai |
Mr. Nicola |
Ingr pompag |
Carabellese |
Mr. Nicola |
Sailor. Rescued by the Thomas |
Carotenuto |
Mr. Gennaro |
Operaio mot. Rescued by the Thomas |
Carpenetti |
Mr. Ferruccio |
Orchestr 1a |
Carro |
Mr. Jacopo |
Cabin Class Capo Partita
Rosticc |
Caser |
Mr. Renzo |
Camer |
Castellano |
Mr. Salvatore 17yrs |
Waiter cuc sc. First Class
assistant cook. Remarked: It was a very foggy night,
the Andrea Doria was blowing its fog horn all the time. I was getting ready for
bed when the crash occured. I ran out of my cabin without my pants. My duty in case of an
emergency, was to man a lifeboat. We managed to get a couple of lifeboats in the water. I
was in the first lifeboat that was puit into the water. I made three trips to the Stockholm.
After the third trip my hands were so swollen I couldn't row anymore." |
Caviglia |
Mr. Luigi |
Waiter Butcher. Rescued by the Thomas |
Cecchini |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Tourist Class 2a cuoco 3a |
Ceresa |
Mr. Luigi |
First class steward. |
Cervivi |
Ms. Guarina |
Presser sc |
Cesco |
Mr. Alberto |
Cabin Class Capo Partita |
Chernigoi |
Mr. Adriano |
First class camer ponte. Rescued by the Thomas |
Chersevani |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Fouchista |
Chert |
Mr. Silvano |
Piccolo com. CMU. Rescued by the Thomas |
Chiappori |
Engineer Dalciso |
Chief Engineer, off duty at the time of the collision.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Chicco |
Mr. Mario |
Giovanot 1a |
Mr. Fabio D. 27 yrs |
An assistant in the First Class Purser's Office. Was
going to sleep when he felt a shock. He didn't pay much attention to it until the lights
went out. He dressed, went on the Promenade Deck and assisted in getting the passengers
off the ship. He was rescued by the Stockholm. Fabio passed away in
Canada on December 18th 2001. |
Ciaravolo |
Mr. Raffaele |
Fouchista |
Ciarlatani |
Officer Umberto 50
yrs |
Second Officer, Radio Operator.
One of the last officers aboard the Andrea Doria with Captain
Calamai. Rescued by the Edward Allen. Passed away in 1997. |
Cimoli |
Mr. Pietro |
Assistant Waiter |
Cirillo |
Mr. Vincenzo |
Assistant Waiter com MCa |
Ciulinni |
Ms. Manola |
Camer |
Coelli |
Mr. Egidio |
Capo Partita G. viv. |
Cogliolo |
Cadet Valerio |
Cadet Officer, engine room. |
Colace |
Mr. Salvatore |
Giovanot 2a. Lookout on the bow, notified Franchini of lights to the
right. |
Colantonio |
Mr. Ciro |
Butcher |
Colantonio |
Mr. Gaetano |
Cam |
Colli |
Mr. Albino |
First class steward. Rescued by the Thomas. Treated at St.
Clare's Hospital. |
Collu |
Ms. Adriana |
2a Inferm ra |
Colombo |
Officer Mario |
Chief electrician.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Colotto |
Mr. Almo |
Cabin Class 2o cuoco uff |
Comici |
Officer Antonio |
First Purser. Rescued by the Thomas |
Consalvo |
Mr. Bruno |
Cabin Boy com |
Conte |
Giovanni |
Officer Cadet. Rescued by the Thomas |
Coppa |
Officer Luigi |
Assistant Second Officer, engine room. |
Coppa |
Mr. Raffaele |
Coppola |
Mr. Salvatore |
Cabin Boy com |
Cordera |
Officer Giovanni |
2nd Officer, Engine Room.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Coretti |
Ms. Antonia |
Head Nurse in the ship's Woman's Hospital |
Corosu |
Mr. Leonardo |
Assistant Purser.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Cortotto-Cravetto |
Mr. Carlo |
First Class Capo Allogi. |
Coschetti |
Mr. Oscar |
Sailor. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Cosimo |
Mr. Luciano |
ff Capo Cuoco |
Mr. Benedetto 51 yrs |
Sailor. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Costa |
Mr. Francesco |
camer |
Costa |
Mr. Leonardo |
Sailor. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Costantini |
Mr. Arnaldo |
Piccolo Scelto |
Costantini |
Mr. Luigi |
First class steward |
Crovetto |
Mr. Filippo |
Cam com. |
Cuomo |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Tourist Class Waiter
cuc |
Cuttica |
Mr. Mario |
Barista |
D'Alessandro |
Mr. Egidio |
First class steward. Rowed a lifeboat to the Stockholm
and Ile de France. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
D'Arrigo |
Mr. Giacomo 22 yrs |
Cabin Class Dining
Room waiter (busboy). Rescued
by the Ile de France. Living in the US. |
D'Istria |
Mr. Raffaelle |
Assistant Waiter |
Mr. Crescenzo 40 yrs |
Greaser. Rescued by
the Ile de France. Passed away in Italy in 1994. |
D'Urzo |
Mr. Luigi |
Assistant Waiter. Living
in Italy as of January 2004. |
Dal Pino |
Mr. Francesco |
Maro C. G. Rescued by the Thomas |
Dalvise |
Mr. Santo |
Tourist Class Capo Partita |
Danesi |
Mr. Enrico |
Sailor. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Dapelo |
Cadet Felice |
Cadet Officer, Purser |
Dascola |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Camer |
De Angelis |
Mr. Luigi |
First Class Capo Sala. Rescued by the Thomas |
De Biasi |
Mr. Aldo |
2. Elettricista |
De Cristo |
Mr. Luigi |
Cam com. |
De Cristofaro |
Mr. Rodolfo |
Piccolo com. Rescued by the Thomas |
De Fonte |
Mr. Vito |
Greaser |
De Franchi |
Mr. Leo |
Assistant Waiter sc |
De Domenico |
Mr. Rocco |
Camer. Rescued by the Thomas |
De Giovanni |
Mr. Marino |
Cam re s. soc. |
De Luca |
Mr. Francesco |
Assistant Waiter com MSCM |
De Luca |
Mr. Mario |
camer |
De Marco |
Mr. Teodoro |
Fuoch C. G. |
De Martino |
Mr. Gennaro |
Mess boy. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
De Paoli |
Ms. Lucia |
Camra lusso |
De Pasquale |
Mr. Salvatore |
Waiter |
De Pompeis |
Mr. Gaetano |
Waiter com |
De Robertis |
Mr. Carlo |
Cabin boy. Rescued
by the Edward Allen |
De Sario |
Mr. Giovanni |
Camer |
De Vincenzi |
Mr. Sergio |
Assistant Waiter com |
Degola |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Printer. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Del Carlo |
Mr. Giampaolo |
Piccolo sc |
Del Corso |
Mr. Giacomo |
Assistant Waiter com CMC |
Del Gatto |
Mr. Luigi |
Camer lusso |
Del Gaudio |
Mr. Legantino 43 yrs |
Operaio frig |
Dello Strologo |
Mr. Arnaldo |
Piccolo Scelto |
Derchi |
Mr. Gianbattista |
First class camer bagagl. |
Desenibus |
Mr. Giulio |
Cabin Boy scel. Son of
Giovanni Desenibus, lives in Italy. |
Desenibus |
Mr. Giovanni |
Operaio frig. Passed
away in Italy a few years ago. |
Devescovi |
Mr. Aldo 33 yrs |
Bartender |
Di Bono |
Mr. Michele |
Sailor. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Di Camillo |
Mr. Ferdinando |
Chief cabin steward.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Di Donato |
Mr. Antonio |
camer |
Di Donna |
Mr. Ciro |
Crew cook 3.o 3a |
Di Donna |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Cam com Rescued by the Thomas |
Di Donna |
Mr. Luigi |
Maro Vedetta Rescued by the Thomas |
Di Donna |
Mr. Luigi |
Cam t |
Di Martino |
Mr. Giovanni |
Bus Boycom |
Di Martino |
Mr. Luigi |
Bread baker |
Diamant |
Mr. Erminio |
Cam bc t |
Domenichini |
Mr. Carlo |
Helmsman, left the bridge just before the collision. |
Donato |
Officer Antonio |
Third Officer, took distress message to the radio room.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Donato |
Mr. Antonino |
First Class Ice Cream Chef |
Donato |
Mr. Domenico |
Cam Bagagl |
Dossola |
Mr. Leone |
Cam |
Drago |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Assistant Waiter S Soc |