Ercolano |
Mr. Natale |
S.C. Cuoco |
Errico |
Mr. Guiseppe |
Bread baker. Rescued by the Thomas |
Esposito |
Mr. Luigi |
Helmsman. Rescued by the Thomas |
Esposito |
Ms. Maria |
Cam ra |
Esposito |
Mr. Pasquale |
Carbonaio |
Fama |
Mr. Pasquale |
Greaser |
Fama |
Mr. Roberto |
3 o Cook. Rescued by the Thomas.
Fancellu |
Mr. Paolo |
Piccolo com |
Fantini |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Greaser |
Farella |
Mr. Ciro |
Greaser |
Fava |
Ms. Maria |
Presser |
Favilla |
Mr. Giovanni |
Steward. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Fegio |
Ms. Giuseppina |
Presser |
Feliciotti |
Mr. Antonio |
First class steward |
Felluga |
Mr. Mariano |
Camer. |
Femiano |
Ms. Carmen |
Camra |
Ferlora |
Mr. Sergio |
Operaio mot |
Ferrara |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Maro Casser |
Ferrari |
Ms. Giuseppina |
camer |
Ferro |
Mr. Salvatore |
Amanuense |
Filippis |
Mr. Francesco |
Crew Waiter |
Filipponi |
Mr. Giuseppe |
2 o Commesso |
Fillini |
Mr. Giordano |
Waiter |
Fonda |
Mr. Andrea |
Cam re |
Fonda |
Mr. Ezio |
Cam re |
Fonda |
Mr. Francesco |
Sailor. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Fonda |
Mr. Giorgio |
First class steward |
Formisano |
Mr. Renato 23 yrs |
Piccolo com. MSCM. First class dining room. Rescued by the Stockholm.
Today: Living in Italy. |
Forti |
Mr. Giorgio |
3 o Cook |
Foschi |
Mr. Pier Mario |
Deck boy. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Fragomeno |
Mr. Antonio |
Cabin Boy lusso |
Fragomeno |
Mr. Francesco |
1o Waiter |
Francese |
Mr. Silvestro |
Com |
Franchini |
Officer Curzio |
Second Senior Officer on the bridge during the
collision. Rescued by the Edward Allen. Passed away in 2002. |
Francia |
Mr. Luigi |
2o Inferm |
Francioni |
Mr. Giovani |
Fireman. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Francisosi |
Ms. Franca |
Camer |
Freti |
Mr. Alberico |
Camer |
Frisone |
Mr. Andrea |
Cam com |
Gallo |
Mr. Armando |
Amanuense |
Gallo |
Officer Dario |
Second officer, engine room.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Gamberini |
Mr. Salvatore |
camer |
Garbarini |
Mr. Giulio |
1. Elettricista |
Garbato |
Mr. Michele |
Maro Pomp |
Garofalo |
Mr. Leopoldo |
Sailor. Rescued by the Thomas |
Garre |
Giuseppe |
Ottonaio |
Garrone |
Officer Felice |
First Officer, Radio Operator |
Gasparini |
Mr. Angelo |
Capo Partita Sals. |
Gasparini |
Mr. Giovanni |
First Class Waiter
pasticc. |
Gasparini |
Mr. Guglielmo |
1 Carpentiere |
Gasparini |
Mr. Ruggiero |
First Class 2o Pastry Chef |
Gasperini |
Mr. Luigi |
Cabin Boy |
Gatto Ronchieri
Mr. Antonio |
2 Carpentiere.
Rescued by the Ile de France. Passed away. |
Gentilli |
Mr. Alberto |
First class Bar tender. |
Gerbi |
Mr. Albino |
Capo Partita Macell. Rescued by the Thomas |
Germiniasi |
Mr. Carlo |
Cabin Boy com |
Geromella |
Mr. Vittorio |
Fouchista |
Gesmundo |
Mr. Michele |
Cabin Boy sc. Rescued by the Thomas |
Ghiggini |
Mr. Giuseppe |
2o C. Fuoch |
Giacco |
Mr. Michele |
Cabin Boy scel |
Giadrossi |
Mr. Alfredo |
Waiter com |
Gianni |
Mr. Ezio |
Piccolo com |
Giannini |
Officer Eugenio |
Junior Third Officer, first on the bridge to see the
Stockholm. Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Giannini |
Dr. Renzo |
Medical Doctor |
Giannotti |
Mr. Ettore |
Assistant Waiter sc |
Giglio |
Mr. Pietro |
Fouchista |
Gilberti |
Mr. Angelo |
Sailor. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Ginanni |
Mr. Corradini Costantino |
Assistant Waiter bcl |
Gnetti |
Mr. Marco |
Waiter camb |
Goretta |
Mr. Lidio |
Bread baker |
Gormarino |
Mr. Giuseppe |
First Class 3o Pastry Chef |
Grasso |
Mr. Francesco |
Camer com. |
Graziano |
Mr. Luigi |
Waiter coc sc |
Greco |
Mr. Attilio |
Cam. Pomp. |
Greco |
Engineer Giovanni |
Chief Engineer.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Grisan |
Mr. Nicolo |
Waiter camb Rescued by the Thomas |
Grollino |
Mr. Gaetano |
Tourist class 3o cuoco 3a |
Guarino |
Mr. Cesare |
First class steward |
Guida |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Com |
Guidi |
Officer Francesco |
Chief Radio Operator.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Iannacore |
Mr. Carmine |
Mozzo |
Iannelli |
Mr. Domenico |
C. All. Magaz. |
Iardino |
Mr. Fedele |
Maro Pomp |
Ignaro |
Mr. Luigi |
Deck Boy. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Infantino |
Mr. Paolo |
Hairdresser 1a cl. Rescued by the Thomas |
Ingenito |
Mr. Natale |
Crew cook 3 o |
Ingianni |
Officer Francesco |
Chief Purser |
Iosso |
Mr. Gennaro |
Cam |
Iviani |
Mr. Francesco |
Plumber. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Kirn |
Officer Carlo |
First Officer.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
La Camera |
Mr. Paolo |
Waiter |
La Motta |
Mr. Salvatore |
Piccolo com. CMU. Rescued by the Thomas |
La Rosa |
Mr. Sebastiano |
First Class Assistant Pastry
Chef |
Lami |
Ms. Anna Maria |
camer bcl |
Langella |
Mr. Aniello |
Fouchista |
Langella |
Mr. Salvatore |
Greaser. Rescued by the Thomas |
Lanzilli |
Ms. Preziosa |
Presser |
Lettich |
Mr. Gasparo |
Calderinaio |
Libardo |
Mr. Domenico |
Maro Pomp |
Licastro |
Mr. Domenico |
Tourist Class 2a cuoco 3a |
Lippi |
Ms. Anna Maria |
Camra lusso |
Loiacono |
Mr. Raffaele |
Cabin Boy. Rescued
by the Edward Allen |
Mr. Pier Giorgio 20
yrs |
First Class waiter |
Lombardo |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Greaser |
Lombardo |
Mr. Salvatore |
Sailor |
Lovazzano |
Ms. Bianca |
Presser |
Luccisano |
Mr. Umberto |
First class steward |
Lugnan |
Mr. Antonio |
Sailor. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Lugnan |
Mr. Bernardo |
Sailor |
Luminato |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Steward. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Lunanova |
Mr. Mauro |
Greaser |
Lussi |
Mr. Galliano |
Camer |
Luxardo |
Mr. Giulio |
First class Cam. Argent. |
Macri |
Mr. Paolo |
Assistant Waiter scel COM |
Macri |
Mr. Vittorio |
Piccolo sc |
Madonna |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Crew Waiter |
Captain Osvaldo 52
yrs |
Staff Captain, left the bridge before the collision.
Rescued by the Edward Allen. Passed away in his 90's. |
Maggiolo |
Mr. Giacomo |
Piccolo scelto CMU. Rescued by the Thomas |
Magnani |
Mr. Flavio |
Waiter S so |
Maiella |
Mr. Felice |
First class steward. Rescued by the Thomas |
Maiuolo |
Mr. Antonio |
Steward. Rescued by
the Edward Allen.
Malissa |
Mr. Pietro |
Sailor. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Mr. Federico 25 yrs |
Bread baker. Rescued
by the Stockholm. Living in Canada. |
Mantero |
Officer Oscar |
Assistant Second Officer, engine room.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Maracci |
Cadet Mario |
Officer Cadet. Rescued by the Thomas |
Marazzo |
Mr. Vincenzo |
Calderinaio |
Maremonti |
Mr. Umberto |
Assistant Waiter |
Mari |
Mr. Arveo |
2. Elettricista |
Marini |
Mr. Francesco |
2nd Electrician.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Marino |
Mr. Michele |
Cam com |
Marmorato |
Mr. Francesco |
Cam re com |
Marrollo |
Mr. Emiliano |
Cam Pomp. Rescued by the Thomas |
Marrazzo |
Mr. Augusto |
Cabin Class Capo Partita SN
Leg. |
Marsala |
Mr. Francesco |
Barber com. Cl Tur. Rescued by the Thomas |
Martellani |
Mr. Bruno |
2 o Commesso |
Martinelli |
Mr. Francesco |
Assistant Waiter com CMC |
Martini |
Mr. Giovanni |
Fouchista |
Martuccelli |
Mr. Pasquale 25yrs |
Cabin Boy. Rescued by the Thomas.
Living in Italy. |
Masotti |
Ms. Maria |
2a Inferm Ost |
Massa |
Mr. Dino |
Band Leader extra.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Massa |
Mr. Filippo |
Cabin Boyscel. Rescued by the Thomas |
Massarenti |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Operat S.N. |
Mastellone |
Mr. Giovanni |
Camer corr |
Maurel |
Ms. Elide |
Camer ra bct |
Mauri |
Mr. Vincenzo |
Greaser. Rescued by the Thomas |
Mazzitelli |
Mr. Francesco |
Cabin Class 2o cuoco 3a |
Mazzoni |
Mr. Elmo |
Orchestr 1a |
Mazzotti |
Officer Antonio |
Third Officer, engine room.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Mellone |
Mr. Ciro |
Cam re com |
Melloni |
Officer Otello |
Junior Third Officer, engine room.
Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Mennella |
Mr. Francesco |
Giovanot 2a |
Mennella |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Tourist class Waiter cuc |
Mennella |
Mr. Michele |
Cam re com |
Mian |
Mr. Angelo |
Cam re |
Micera |
Mr. Ciro |
Oper mecc |
Micheli |
Mr. Allesandro |
Sailor Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Mignone |
Mr. Domenico |
2. Elettricista |
Milovich |
Mr. Marcello |
Maro Casser |
Minetti |
Mr. Giobatta |
Mess boy. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Mr. Gaetano 33 yrs |
Tourist class waiter from Naples.
Rescued by the Stockholm. Passed away in September 2003 in
Italy. |
Mocca |
Cadet Giuseppe |
Cadet Officer, engine room. |
Moggi |
Mr. Galileo |
Tourist Class 2a cuoco 3a |
Molica |
Mr. Francesco |
Assistant Waiter com MBe |
Molinaro |
Mr. Salvatore |
Cabin Class 3o cusco |
Mollero |
Ms. Marianna |
Camra |
Monaro |
Mr. Alberto |
Fouchista |
Mondini |
Officer Giuseppe |
First Assistant Engineer, shutdown starboard engine
ruptured by the collision. Rescued by the Edward Allen |
Montanari |
Mr. Tito |
Mess Boy. Rescued by
the Edward Allen |
Montefusco |
Mr. Salvatore |
Casseroliere |
Montello |
Mr. Nicola |
Cabin Class Commesso |
Montevergine |
Mr. Vincenzo |
Cabin Boy o sc. Rescued by the Thomas |
Morabito |
Mr. Giorgio |
Camer |
Morandi |
Mr. Carmelo |
Camer re lusso |
Morelli |
Mr. Ciro |
Fouch. C.G. |
Morieri |
Mr. Antonino |
Piccolo Scelto |
Moroni |
Mr. Emilio |
Barber ingl 1a cl. |
Moroni |
Mr. Franco |
Waiter cuc sc |
Morvillo |
Mr. Michele |
camer |
Motta |
Mr. Michele |
Cam Lavand |
Murgia |
Mr. Antonio |
2. Elettricista |
Musi |
Ms. Amneris |
Manicurist |
Musico |
Officer Luigi |
Ship's Bank |