Mrs. Helen A. |
Boarded in Gibraltar.
From Hollis. Rescued by the Ile de France. |
Fabbri |
Mr. Amelio |
Boarded in Genoa |
Faiola |
Ms. Vincenza Marina
60+ yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Hackensack, NJ.
Broke her hip after falling off a rope into a lifeboat. Hospitalized at St. Clare's.
Passed away. |
Fais |
Ms. Andrea |
Boarded in Naples |
Famularo |
Mr. Gaetano
Mrs. Maria
Domenico |
Boarded in Naples. |
Farinella |
Ms. Maria |
Boarded in Naples |
Ferlore |
Mr. Sergio 24yrs |
From Trieste, Italy. Treated at St.
Vincent's Hospital |
Ferrara |
Mr. Salvatore |
Boarded in Naples |
Ferraro |
Ms. Josephina |
Boarded in Naples. Perished |
Fiocca |
Mrs. Vincenzina
Son Raffaello |
(Femia) |
Mr. Francesco |
Boarded in Naples |
Fiorucci |
Mr. Amato 58 yrs
Mrs. Adelaide |
Boarded in Genoa. Mr. Fiorucci was treated at Roosevelt
Hospital |
Fitzpatrick |
Mr. Larry |
Boarded in Genoa with two friends, Peter
McKee and Robert Mac Donald. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
(Fantini) |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Rescued by the Cape Ann and
treated at Roosevelt Hospital for possible fractures of the ankles. |
Forte |
Mr. Vincenzo
Mrs. Rosina Zumbo |
Boarded in Naples. They had been
married for 6 months. Rosina was pregnant. Both perished in the collision. |
Mr. Alessandro 29 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by the Thomas |
Franciscucci |
Ms. Antonia |
Boarded in Naples. |
Fratarcangeli |
Mr. Pasquale
Ms. Margherita |
Boarded in Naples |
Fusco |
Dr. Franco A. |
Boarded in Genoa. Genoese physician traveling on a Fulbright
scholarship to Ohio State University. |
Fusco |
Mr. Adolfo |
Boarded in Naples |
Fushi |
Mr. Domenico |
Boarded in Naples |
Gaberlian |
Mr. Sarkis |
Boarded in Naples |
Gaetano |
L. |
. |
Gallerani |
Mr. Ettore |
Boarded in Genoa |
(Galleano) |
Mr. Porfilio 60 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From South Norwalk, CT.
Treated at St. Clare's
Hospital. |
Gallinari |
Mrs. Elsa
Son Dante |
Boarded in Genoa |
Gallo |
Mr. Armando |
Left the security of an Andrea Doria lifeboat
to save Fortunato Spina. |
Garonci |
Mr. Micandro |
Boarded in Naples |
Garzone |
Ms. Maria 22 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Sister of Eufemia Chiradia. Rescued by the Stockholm. As of 2004,
living in the US. |
Genilla |
Mr. Alberto 53 yrs |
Trieste. Treated at St. Vincent's Hospital
for a rib fracture. Might be the same as Gentile. |
Gentile |
Mr. Albert 53 yrs |
From El Paso, TX. Treated at St. Vincent's
Hospital |
Gentile |
Mr. Celestino |
Boarded in Naples |
Giannobile |
Mr. Alberto
Mrs. Ida
Daughter Marianna |
Boarded in Naples. Alberto rescued by the Ile
de France. |
Giannobile |
Mr. Felice |
Boarded in Naples |
Giannobile |
Mr. Franco |
Boarded in Naples |
Gianonne |
Mr. Carmelo |
Boarded in Naples |
Giordano |
Mr. Camillo Frank |
Boarded in Genoa |

News Photo |
Mr. Leonardo
Daughter Felica 3 yrs
Daughter Antonia 2 yrs
Daughter |
One daughter was rescued by another ship.
Rescued by the Ile de France |
Giralomo |
Mr. Bravo 41 yrs |
Los Angeles. Treated at St Vincent's
Hospital |
Giuliano |
Mr. Gerardino |
Boarded in Naples |
(Giurintano) |
Mr. Salvatore |
Boarded in Naples |
Gonzales |
Mrs. Angelina C. |
Boarded in Naples. Perished in the collision. |
Gonzales |
Mr. Raymond |
Boarded in Gibraltar |
Mrs. Elisa A.
Daughter Marilyn J. 5 Yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. From Portland OR. Marilyn was rescued by
the Ile de France. Both are living in the US. |
Gramigni |
Mr. Thomas |
A candymaker from Hershey, PA, was having a
nightcap. He glanced forward and saw through the window something that looked "like a
city all lit up."
(Gramioni) |
Mr. Ottavio
Mr. Taormino
Ms. Lena
Ms. Dolores |
Boarded in Genoa |
Grammatica |
Mr. Nicola |
Boarded in Naples |
Grasia |
Ms. Marie C. 68 yrs |
Treated at St. Clare's Hospital for a
fracutre of the left leg. |
Grassi |
Mr. Francesco 20 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Heading for Rochester. |
Grechi |
Ms. Maria |
Boarded in Genoa. Perished in
the collision. |
Grego |
Ms. Angelina 48 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Slid down a rope to a
lifeboat and broke her back. Rescued by the Ile de France. She lingered in agony for six
months in St. Clare's hospital before she became the fifty-first fatality. |
Grillo |
Mr. Luciano |
Boarded in Naples. Emigrated from Sicily.
Living in the US. |
Grossi |
Mr. Louis
Mrs. Lucie 58 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Ontario Canada.
Rescued by the Ile de France. Mrs. Grossi suffered a broken ankle when she was lowered
into a lifeboat. Treated at Roosevelt Hopital. |
Grubenman |
Mr. Jacob (Jack) |
Boarded in Genoa.
Cabin 290. |
Grubenman |
Mr. Adolf
Mrs. Violet |
Boarded in Genoa. Mrs. Grubenman left A-Deck cabin 288 with
her lifejacket while her husband tried to get to the cabin from the Tourist Class lounge
where he was watching a movie. |
Mrs. |
Mrs. Guarneri came to visit her son Angelo
Guarneri who lives in NY.
Oggi Photo: Mrs. Guarneri hugs her son Angelo. |
Guerrera |
Mr. Michele
Mr. Mario |
Boarded in Naples |
Guzzi |
Mr. Giuseppe
Mrs. Antonietta |
Boarded in Naples. From Easton, PA.
Originally reported missing, they perished in the collision. |
Hamparian |
Mr. John
Ms. Mary |
Boarded in Naples. |
Hanson |
Mrs. Elizabeth M.
Son Andrew
Son Donald
Son Ardith 7yrs |
Boarded in Genoa.
Ardith and Donald live in the US. |
Holzbauer |
Mr. Wilhelm |
Boarded in Genoa.
Austrian Fulbright student. |
Mr. Robert Lee 37
yrs |
Boarded in Gibraltar. Injured American sailor returning to the
US. Woke up in a pitch black room. When he finally reached the decks he found the ship
deserted. He climbed down the cargo net and dangled there until a lifeboat
from the tanker
Robert E. Hopkins rescued him. He was the last passenger to leave and the only
survivor picked up by the tanker. Passed away in 2000. |
Mrs. Lorencina (Lorenzina)
Ms. Elena 30yrs
sister Ms. Amelia 26yrs
Ms. Annunziata |
Boarded in Naples: From Bloomfield, NJ.
Lorencina was rescued by the Thomas and treated at St. Clare's Hospital.
Elena and Amelia were rescued by the Cape Ann and treated at Columbus
Hospital. Amelia possible fracture of the right thigh, Elena for an eye cut. Photo:
Lorencina being carried to a waiting ambulance. |
Iacobelli |
Mr. Carlo Alberto |
Boarded in Naples.
Rescued by the Ile de France. Living in the US as of January 2004. |
(Iammardone) |
Mr. Domenico |
Boarded in Naples. |
Ianni |
Mr. Giuseppe
Ms. Giuseppa
Ms. Netta
Ms. Teresa |
Boarded in Naples |
Iazzetta |
Mr. Benvenuto
Mrs. Amelia |
Boarded in Naples: Unable to open the door
of A-Deck cabin 230 where his wife, Amelia, was with her sister Christina Covino. He was
forced to go topside due to smoke. Cabin 230 was in the direct line of the collision.
Amelia perished. |
Imberlone |
Mr. Giacomo
Mrs. Maria Theresina
Giuseppe |
Boarded in Naples. Maria Theresina
perished. |
Ippolito |
Mrs. Alogers (Calogero) |
Boarded in Naples. From Chicago. Rescued by
the Thomas |
Juliano |
Antonio |
From Elmont.
Kerbow |
Ms. Catherine |
Boarded in Gibraltar.
Rescued by the Stockholm. |
Kimmelman |
Ms. Beatrice |
Boarded in Naples |
La Ferrara |
Ms. Giuseppa Saporito |
Boarded in Naples. |
La Flamme
Ms. Theresa 30 yrs |
Boarded in Gibraltar. Registered nurse returning from a vacation
in Europe. Rescued by the Ile de France. |
La Font
(La Fonte) |
Rev. Ernest 40yrs
Mrs. Jeosine 40 yrs
Son Leyland 11 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Watching a movie during
the collision. |
La Laina |
Mr. Antonio |
Boarded in Naples |
La Rocca |
Mr. Felice |
Boarded in Naples |
La Rosa |
Mr. Bruno |
Boarded in Naples |
La Vigna |
Mr. Allesandro |
Boarded in Naples |
Lamari |
Ms. Venera |
Boarded in Naples |
Lambert |
Ms. Jean |
Boarded in Naples |
Lamp |
Mrs. Walter |
Rescued by the Thomas. |
Landino |
Ms. Amelia |
Boarded in Naples |
Lanz |
Mr. Irwin (Irving) |
Boarded in Genoa |
(Lee) |
Ms. Nancy 32yrs |
From Miami. Suffered a broken leg and
internal injuries. She was the first to sue. Treated at St. Vincent's Hospital |
Leo |
Ms. Nunziata |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the Cape
Ann with a foot injury. |
Leone |
Ms. Vita |
Boarded in Naples |
Leoni |
Mrs. Anita Arrigoni 54 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Rome enroute to
Linden, NJ. Perished |
Liseo |
Mr. Salvatore |
Boarded in Naples |
Lodal |
Mr. Inger |
Boarded in Genoa. From
Denmark |
Lombardi |
Mr. Antonio |
Boarded in Naples. Broke down the door to
C-Deck cabin 664. He and his cabin mate, Antonio Ponzi, escaped. |
Longo |
Ms. M. Annetta |
Boarded in Naples |
Mrs. Maria 25 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. On her
way to NY to meet her American husband. Rescued by Ile de
France. |
Lopez Duranona |
Mr. Ramon |
Boarded in Gibraltar. From
Cuba. |
Loprete |
Ms. Virginia |
Boarded in Naples |
(Lo Re) |
Mr. Antonio 56 yrs
(Antonia?) |
Boarded in Naples. From Frankfurt, NY. Treated at St.
Vincent's Hospital for multiple bruises. |
Lozzi |
Mr. Albert 69 yrs
Mrs. Francesca 60 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Queens, NY. Albert was playing cards
and Francesca had retired for the night when the collision occured. Treated at Roosevelt
Hospital. Rescued by the Ile de France |
Lucchesi |
Mr. Guido
Mrs. Anna |
Boarded in Genoa |
Mac Donald |
Mr. Robert E. |
Boarded in Genoa with two friends, Peter
McKee and Larry Fitzpatrick. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
Maccherani |
Ms. Maria Antonietta |
Boarded in Genoa |
Macchiona |
Mr. Francesco
Mrs. Giulia
Ms. Caterina |
Boarded in Naples |
Madonna |
Mr. Nicola |
Boarded in Naples |
Maggio |
Mr. Giuseppe 72yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Blind, he was lowered in a net to a waiting
lifeboat. Filed a damage suit for a broken back and brain injury. Rescued by the Thomas. Treated at St. Clare's Hospital. |
Magro |
Mr. Loreto |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the Cape
Ann and suffered a possible leg fracture. |
Mancino |
Mr. Arturo |
Boarded in Naples |
Mancuso |
Mr. Joseph
Mrs. Maria |
Boarded in Genoa |
Mandella |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Rescued by the Ile de France |
Manicuccio |
Mr. Angelo |
Boarded in Naples |
(Mannolini) |
Ms. Agata |
Boarded in Genoa |
Marano |
Mr. Armando |
Boarded in Naples |
Marchetti |
Mr. Aurelio
Mrs. Nella |
Boarded in Genoa |

Mrs. Giulia
Daughter Caterina 6 mo. |
From Naples, Boarded in Naples. Rescued by
the Ile de France. |
Margiotta |
Ms. Rosa |
Boarded in Naples. |
Margo |
Mr. Larto |
Treated at Columbus Hospital |
Mariani |
Mr. Alfonso |
Boarded in Naples |
Marinella |
Ms. Ossola |
Boarded in Naples |
Marinelli |
Mr. Mirello
Mrs. Natalina |
Boarded in Naples |
Marra |
Mr. Riziere 57 yrs |
Boarded in Naples |
Mr. Ettore 42 yrs |
From Cozenza. Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the
Ile de France. Passed away in 1987 in
Italy. |
Marrinos |
Miss Geraldine |
Rescued by the Thomas |
Martina |
Mr. Anthony |
Boarded in Genoa |
Martinelli |
Mr. Francisco 35yrs |
From Trieste. Treated at St. Vincent's
Hospital |
Martini |
Mr. Cesidio
Mrs. Angela M.
Ms. Rosa |
Boarded in Naples |
Masarenti |
Mr. Giuseppi 53yrs |
From Genoa. Treated at St. Vincent's
Hospital |
Massa |
Ms. Paolina |
Boarded in Naples |
(Masso) |
Ms. Anella (Onella) |
Boarded in Naples. |
Massa |
Mr. Edoardo |
Boarded in Naples |
Massarella |
Mr. Domenico Antonio 38 yrs. |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by
the Stockholm. Deceased October 2000.
Mastrincola |
Mrs. Rosa
Pasquale 9 yrs
Arlene 8 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Midvale, NJ. Rosa
was watching the movie Fox Fire it the ship's theatre when the collision occurred.
"Heavy smoke began to choking us," Mrs. Mastrincola said. She ran to the cabin
where her children were asleep. "The door was locked. I forced it open. I got in. I
don't know how I did it, but I did it." They went down a rope ladder to a lifeboat.
Rescued by the Ile de France. |
Matteo |
Mr. Serafino (Serafina) |
Boarded in Naples |
Maximi |
Ms. Vincenta 66 yrs |
From Hackensack. Treated at St. Clare's
Hospital. No Diagnosis |
(MacGowan) |
Mr. Edgar
Mrs. Beulah |
Boarded in Genoa. From Monterey, CA.
Beulah was rescued by the Stockholm. |
McKee |
Mr. Peter |
Boarded in Genoa with two friends, Robert
Mac Donald and Larry Fitzpatrick. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
Medaglia |
Mr. Alfredo |
Boarded in Naples |
Merlin |
Ms. Josephine |
Boarded in Genoa |
(Miruzzi) |
Mr. Arthur |
Boarded in Naples |
Micalef |
Mr. Lawrence |
Boarded in Naples |
Migliorini |
Mr. Francesco
Mrs. Maria |
Boarded in Genoa |
Milillo |
Mr. Michele |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
Mr. Amadio 43 yrs |
Rescued by the Stockholm |
Minniti |
Mr. Angelo |
Boarded in Naples |
Miriello |
Mr. Chiaromonte |
Boarded in Naples |
Miraglia |
Mr. Peter 62yrs
Mrs. Nicolina (Margaret) 52yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Jamestown, NY They
were treated at St. Vincent's Hospital for blistered hands from sliding down the rope
during the rescue. |
(Mitica) |
Mr. Antonio
Mr. Domenico |
Boarded in Naples |
Mr. Giuseppe 23 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by
the Cape Ann. Living in Italy. |
Mr. Salvatore 34 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. Living in
Monestera |
Mr. Valerio 56 yrs |
Newspaperman from
Morocco. |
Monasterio |
Mr. Aurelio |
Boarded in Gibraltar. |
Monteleone |
Mr. Maggio |
Boarded in Naples |
Morelli |
Mr. Antonio
Mrs. Lena 48 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. From Steubenville OH.
Lena was treated at St.
Clare's Hospital |
Morgan |
Ms. Chiarina |
Boarded in Naples |
Mormile |
Ms. Vincenza 82 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Treated at St. Clare's
Hospital for shock. |
Mr. Giovanni 35 yrs
Mrs. Vincenza 30 yrs
Son Mario 7 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Vincenza slid down a
rope to a lifeboat. Before she reached the boat it pulled away and she fell into the
ocean. Giovanni arrived in NY and feared she was dead, however she was picked up by
the Stockholm. Giovanni and Mario were rescued by the Cape Ann.
Vincenza and Mario live in the US. Giovanni died in 2003. |
Moscatiello |
Mrs. Angela
Son Luigi 21yrs
Son Michael 15yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Angela was separated
from her son's when the boarded a lifeboat. They were reunited at Pier 84. The boys were
rescued by the Cape Ann, the mother by the Ile de France. |
Muccino |
Mr. Camillo 50 yrs |
On his way to Erie, PA |
Murgia |
Mr. Mr. Antonio 60yrs |
From Genoa. Treated at St. Vincent's
Hospital |
Muscara |
Mrs. Giuseppa |
Boarded in Naples |
(Muscio) |
Mr. Luigi 44yrs |
Treated at St. Vincent's Hospital |