Napoleone |
Mr. Gianpietro |
Boarded in Naples |
Napoletano |
Mr. Mauro |
Boarded in Genoa.
Passed away in January 1994. |
Napoli |
Mr. & Mrs. |
Mrs. Napoli was asleep in a cabin with
three other women. Mr. Napoli came to the cabin to warn them. |

Mr. Giuseppe (Joseph)
Mrs. Rosa 26 yrs
Daughter Angelina 4 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. On their way to Rochester, NY
Rosa was treated at
Roosevelt Hospital for bruises. Rescued by the Ile de France.
Napolitano |
Ms. Assunta |
Accompanied her nieces Lucia, Francesca and
Grazia Pacchianno. She was separated from her nieces during the rescue. |
(Navas) |
Mr. Carlos (Charles)
Son Carlos Jr. (Charles) |
Boarded in Gibraltar |
Navarro |
Mr. Eduardo |
Boarded in Gibraltar |
Nesci |
Mr. Antonio 30 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Passed away 1997. |
Mr. Carmen
Daughter Maria 4yrs |
From Bonza, Naples. Carmen
and Maria were rescued by the Ile de France. |
(Noceroa) |
Mr. Rosario |
Boarded in Naples. |
Nogatino |
Mr. Virgilio |
Rescued by the Cape Ann with cuts and
bruises of the hands ands and eye. |
Notaro |
Mr. Francesco 47 yrs.
Son Rafaelle 18 yrs. |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by
the Ile de France. Francesco is deceased and Rafaelle lives in
California. |
Novi |
Mr. Graziano |
Boarded in Genoa |
Occhiogrosso |
Mr. Tomasso 33yrs
Mrs. Maria 27 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. This was their last
stretch of their honeymoon before immigrating to Canada. Both were rescued
by the Stockholm. Tomasso is living
in Canada. Maria passed away in 1993. |
Odehnal |
Dr. Eva 26 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. From Vienna. Fullbright Scholar on her way
to Northwestern University. |
Mr. Joseph
Mrs. Marie 66 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. From Pensylvannia. Returning from "one
last trip to the old country" Mary was treated at St. Vincent's Hospital |

Mr. Felice
Mrs. Francesca
Daughter Grazia 11 yrs
Son Antonio 9 yrs
Daughter Lucia 8 yrs
Daughter Guseppina 7ys
Daughter Francesca 5 yrs
With the family separated during the
confusion, Grazia, Lucia and Francesca were brought to the Ile de France. Their
mother was on the Stockholm. Felice, Antonio and Giuseppina were on the Thomas.
Antonio is living in the US. |
Pagella |
Mrs. Giustina 55 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
From Connecticut, returning home after visiting relatives. Rescued by the Ile
de France. Passed away in 1971. |

Mr. Leonardo 30 yrs
Mrs. Giovanna Simone 25 yrs
Daughter Maria 4yrs
Daughter Felicia 3 yrs
Antoinette 18 mos |
Sold his house in
Bari, Italy to emigrate
to the United States and lost his money, documents, clothes and jewels. He restarted his
life with nothing. Maria was separated from her parents during the rescue and was reunited
with them 24 hours later, after her a police detective directed them to a little girl
asleep in a city shelter. Rescued by the Ile de France except for Maria, rescued
by the Cape Ann.
Paladino |
Mr. Rocco |
(Palsia) |
Mr. Francesco |
Boarded in Naples. A young man coming to New Jersey to join
his American bride. Water surged into his cabin after the collision |
Palermo |
Mr. Santo |
Boarded in Naples |
Palmeri |
Benjamin |
From Ridgewood
Palmeri |
Mr. Domenico
Ms. Francesca Maria |
Boarded in Naples. Perished
in the collision. |
Palumbo |
Ms. Anna Maria |
Boarded in Naples |
Paneccione |
Ms. Elmorinda |
Boarded in Naples |
(Panecucci) |
Mr. Panecuccio
Mrs. Francesca |
Boarded in Genoa |
Papalia |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Boarded in Naples |
Parenti |
Mr. Frank |
Boarded in Genoa |
Paruccini |
Mr. Francesco
Mrs. Domenica (Menchina Panichi)
Son Luigi 7 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Residents of Buffalo, NY Rescued by the Stockholm.
Luigi lives in the US.
Pate |
Mr. Saverio |
Boarded in Naples |
Patrizio |
Mr. Antonio 53yrs
Mrs. Angelina |
Boarded in Naples. Antonio
was treated at
Roosevelt Hospital for critical coronary condition. Angelina was treated at Roosevelt Hospital. |
Paul |
Mr. Sergio |
Boarded in Naples. |
Pepe |
Mr. Matteo |
Boarded in Naples. |
Percudari |
Mr. Peter |
Boarded in Genoa |
Perrone |
Mr. Pietro |
Boarded in Naples. |
Perrotta |
Mr. Giovanni
Mrs. Carmela |
Boarded in Naples |
Perotta (Villani)
Mrs. Maria Antonietta 65 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From a small
town near Rome. Rescued by the Ile de France. Maria was
traveling with her son, Salvatore Villani, and his family. They were
separated and for three days she did not know the fate of her family.
Maria passed away in 1976. |
Piasentin |
Mr. Eugenio
Mrs. Edda |
Boarded in Genoa |
Picciano |
Mr. Dante
Mrs. Carmela
Son Roberto
Daughter Maria |
Boarded in Naples. |
Piccininni |
Mr. Stefano
Mrs. Giustina
Son-Vincenzo 17 yrs
Son-Saverio 16 yrs
Son-Michael 8 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the Cape Ann. Vincenzo was
treated at Bellevue Hospital. |
(Picone) |
Ms. Filomena 19 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Heading for Greece, NY. |
Pierpaoli |
Mr. Luigi |
Boarded in Naples |
(Pietrosanti) |
Ms. Maria |
Boarded in Naples |
Pillari |
Mr. Antonino |
Boarded in Naples |
Pomillo |
Mr. Giuseppe 25 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. An Italian bridegroom emigrating to join
his wife in the United States, stripped off his shirt for a woman he found shivering on a
deck in only her pajama bottoms. Rescued by the Cape Ann |
Pontecorvi Baratta |
Mrs. Margherita |
Boarded in Naples. Perished. See Baratta listing |

Ms. Marcella 20 yrs
Brother Antonio 14yrs |
Boarded in Naples. On their way to join
their mother in Newark, NJ, Antonio was trapped in C-Deck cabin 664, in the section where
the collision occurred. His cabin mate, Antonio Lombardi, broke down the cabin door and
dragged him from his bunk. Antonio was rescued by the Stockholm, Marcella
by the Cape Ann. |
Mr. Santino 27 yrs
Mrs. Antonietta 33 yrs
Son Giuseppe 2yrs
Daughter Bruna 1 yr |
Boarded in Naples.
Rescued by the Stockholm. All are living in the U.S. |
Porta |
Mr. Allesandro |
Boarded in Genoa |
Pricco |
Mr. Andrew
Mrs. Maria |
Boarded in Genoa |
Puccio |
Miss Maria |
Boarded in Naples. On her way to Buffalo. She was asleep in
the cabin with three other women. Rescued by the Ile de France. |
Pugliano |
Mr. Raffaele 22 yrs
Sister Mrs. Carmela
24 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Rescued by the Cape Ann. Both are living in the US. |
Mr. Giuseppe
Mrs. Maria
Son Antonio 9 yrs
Daughter Carmelina 7 yrs
Son Roberto 5 yrs |
Boarded In Naples. Giuseppe was rescued by the Cape Ann,
the rest of the family by the Ile de France. Photo:
Roberto strokes his fathers face. |
Quaranta |
Mr. Stefano |
Boarded in Naples |
Rado |
Mr. Vincenzo |
Boarded in Naples. |
Rago |
Mr. Vito
Mrs. Angela |
Boarded in Naples |
(Raner) |
Dr. Sylvia 28 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. From Vienna |
(Rabieri) |
Mr. Nicola |
Boarded in Naples |
Regina |
Mr. Antonio 17yrs |
From Bari. Boarded in Naples. Found 4 yr
old Maria Paladino alone on a lifeboat. Unable to locate her parents he kept Maria with
him. Rescued by the Cape Ann. |
Renda |
Mr. Pietro |
Boarded in Naples |
Resso |
Mr. Antonio |
Boarded in Naples |
Ricchezza |
Mr. Andrea |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued
by the Ile de France. Deceased. |
Ridolfi |
Ms. Secondina |
Boarded in Naples |
(Riniacco) |
Mr. Giuseppe
Daughter Maria 4yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Ponza, Italy. Came to
visit relatives on E 149th St. |
Rizzi |
Mr. Giuseppe
Mrs. Maria 28yrs
Daughter Sabina 5 yrs
Son Vito 4 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Mr. & Mrs. Rizzi were injured in the
collision and were rescued by the Ile de France and treated at Roosevelt
Hospital. Their 2 children were placed in a lifeboat and rescued by the Cape Ann. |
Rizzo |
Mr. Stefano
Ms. Rosina |
Boarded in Naples. From Marsala Sicily.
Rodriguez |
Rev. Armando |
Boarded in Gibraltar. |
Romano |
Ms. Giovannina |
Boarded in Naples |
Romano |
Mr. Giacomo 20 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Rescued by the Stockholm. Living in Italy. |
Romano |
Mr. Rinaldo |
Boarded in Naples |
Rosenblatt |
Mr. Daniel |
Boarded in Naples |
Rosselli |
Mr. Aldo |
Boarded in Genoa |
Mr. Ugo
Ms. Carmelina |
Boarded in Naples. Carmelina was rescued by
the Thomas
Photo: Ugo Rubino is greeted by a relative. |
Mrs. Angelina 51 yrs
Daughter Carmina 20 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the Ile
de France. |
Russo |
Mr. Michele 44 yrs
Mrs. Maria 37 yrs
Daughter Giovanna 12 yrs
Daughter Vincenza 8 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Coming to the US to start a new life, they
were on C-Deck in the direct line of the collision. They perished. |
Russo |
Mr. Amodio
Ms. Agnese |
Boarded in Naples |
Russo |
Mr. Francesco |
Boarded in Naples. |
Russo |
Mr. Bruno |
Boarded in Naples. |
Rutigliano |
Mr. Michele |
Boarded in Naples. |
Sacco |
Mrs. Caterina
Son Franco 24 yrs |
Boarded in Naples
Caterina was rescued by the Thomas
Frank was rescued by the Ile de France. |
(Saianto) |
Ms. Theresa 48yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Hillsville, PA. Treated at St.
Vincent's Hospital for bruises of the right wrist and left knee. |
Salustri |
Mr. Angelo |
Boarded in Naples |
Salvatore |
Mr. Lorenzo |
Boarded in Naples |
Sanitate |
Mr. Domenico (Vincenzo) |
Boarded in Genoa |
Santini |
Mr. Angelo |
Boarded in Naples |
(Schinnel) |
Mr. Hermann
Mr. Edeltraut
Ms. Sabine |
Boarded in Genoa |
Schmidt |
Mr. Gustav |
Boarded in Genoa.
Fulbright student from Austria. Rescued by the Stockholm.
Schneider |
Mr. Heinrich J. |
Boarded in Genoa. Austrian
scholar, photographed passengers waiting for lifeboats. |
Schoenbaum |
Ms. Louise (Theresa 71 yrs) |
Boarded in Genoa. From Cincinnati St, Los Angeles CA. Treated
at St. Clare's Hospital for a fractured pelvis. |
Schoer |
Ms. Lee 26 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. Secretary from New York. |
Scholz |
Mr. Frederick Joseph |
Boarded in Genoa |
(Schulz) |
Mr. Peter 47yrs
Mrs. Margareta |
Boarded in Genoa. From Rumania |
Sciacca |
Mr. Frank Andrea |
Boarded in Naples |
(Scicluna) |
Ms. Antonia |
Boarded in Naples. British |
Scotto |
Ms. Rose
Ms. Anna |
Boarded in Naples |
Sedita |
Ms. Sarah (Sarina) |
Boarded in Naples |
Sena |
Ms. Sofia Maria |
Boarded in Naples |
Son Antonio 3 yrs |
Oggi Photo: Antonio sleeping on his
father's shoulder. |
Mrs. Maria Concetta
Son-Giuseppe 13yrs
Daughter-Anna Maria 10 yrs
Daughter-Domenica 7yrs
Son-Rocco 4yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Maria and her children
were coming to the US to join her husband, Ross, in Indiana. Cabin 656 on C-Deck was
in the direct line of the collision. They all drowned quickly as water poured into C Deck.
Mr. Paul
Mrs. Margaret |
Boarded in Naples. Unable to search for
Paul's sister-in-law, Maria and her children, they left C-Deck for the lifeboats. Rescued
by the Ile de France. Paul passed away in 1972, Margaret in 1978.
(Sfagaro) |
Ms. Julia |
Boarded in Naples. |
Sibiana |
Ms. Giovanna |
Boarded in Naples. |
Sibiana |
Ms. Generosa |
Boarded in Naples |
Sibiana |
Ms. Gerarda |
Boarded in Naples |
Sigona |
Mr. Corrado |
Boarded in Naples.
Lives in the US.
Silveri |
Ms. Adelina 40yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Mahano
(Macaney) PA. Treated at St.
Vincent's Hospital |
Silvestri |
Mr. Peter |
Boarded in Naples |
Ms. Omerina 21 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Heading for Rochester. |
Simioli |
Mr. Luigi |
Boarded in Naples.
Passed away in 1993. |
Simon |
Reverend Benedict |
Boarded in Genoa. From Washington D.C. Was watching a film on
Foyer Deck and was thrown to the floor by the collision. Treated at St. Vincent's
Hospital. |
Sisofo |
Mr. Antonio
Mrs. Rosa |
Boarded in Naples |
Slanzi |
Mr. Franco
Ms. Rina |
Boarded in Genoa |
Smargiassi |
Mr. Nicolino |
Boarded in Naples |
Solaroli |
Mr. Paolo |
Boarded in Genoa |
Soligo |
Mrs. Anna Missana |
Boarded in Genoa. |
Solis |
Mr. Carlos Canto |
Boarded in Gibraltar |
Sonsini |
Mr. Rocco |
Boarded in Naples |
Sottile |
Mr. Ignazio |
Boarded in Genoa |
Ms. Alicia 20 yrs |
Boarded in Cannes.
Rescued by the Stockholm. Living in the US. |
Sozio |
Mr. Americo |
Boarded in Naples |
Speranzini |
Mr. Augostino |
Boarded in Naples |
Sposato |
Mr. Angelo |
Boarded in Naples |
Stein |
Ms. Gertrude |
Boarded in Genoa |
Subriano |
Mr. Gaetano 53yrs |
From Genoa. Treated at St. Vincent's
Hospital |
Suozzi |
Mrs. Michelina
Gabbamonti 49 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
En-route to Philadelphia, PA Her C-Deck cabin was in the collision site,
she perished. |
Swanson |
Mrs. June L. |
Boarded in Naples |
Szucs |
Mrs. Irma |
Boarded in Genoa |
Tancredi |
Ms. Virgilia |
Boarded in Naples |
Tarriconi |
Ms. Benedetta |
Boarded in Naples |
Tati |
Mr. Dante |
Boarded in Genoa |
Taverniti |
Mr. Raffaele |
Boarded in Naples |
Temperini |
Mrs. Elisa |
Boarded in Naples. From Rock Spring Wyoming |
Tenaglia |
Mr. Rocco
Mrs. Maria Domenica
Daughter-Gina 2yr |
Boarded in Naples. Maria and
Gina rescued by the Stockholm. Rocco was rescued by the Ile de
France. |
Terlizzi |
Ms. Rita |
Boarded in Naples |
Theis |
Ms. Marcella |
Boarded in Naples. |
Tocco |
Mr. Piero |
Boarded in Gibraltar. Rescued by the Thomas |
Torre |
Mrs. Angela 60 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa.
Traveling with her daughter, Ellen Dean. Rescued by the Ile de France.
Treated at St. Clare's
Hospital for possible fracture of the right leg. Passed away in 1980. |
Torres |
Mr. Ettore (Hector) |
Boarded in Genoa |
Tortora |
Mr. Sebastiano 59 yrs
Ms. Agatina 52 (56) yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Lawerence, MA.
Treated at St. Vincent's Hospital. No Diagnosis. |
Tosi |
Ms. Patricia |
Boarded in Cannes.
Living in the US. |
Trombetta |
Mr. Gaetano |
Boarded in Naples |
Turco |
Mr. Bernardo |
Boarded in Naples |
(Velente) |
Mr. Antonio |
Boarded in Naples |
(Valente) |
Mr. Nicolino(a) |
Boarded in Naples |
Valentino |
Mr. Michele |
Boarded in Genoa |
Vali |
Mr. Giovanni 27 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Jumped into the ocean to save Melania
Ansuini when she lost her grip on a rope and fell into the water unconscious. He saved her
life and they were married eight months later. |
Valle |
Mr. Romano Joseph
Mr. Rosario |
Boarded in Genoa |
Varone |
Mr. Salvatore |
Boarded in Naples. |
Vastano |
Mr. Andrea 49 yrs
Mrs. Concetta 43yrs
Son Pasquale 18 yrs
Daughter Pina 8yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Andrea, Concetta & Pina were rescued by the Ile de France. Pasquale
was rescued by the Stockholm. Andrea passed away in 1979. Concetta and Pina live in the US. Pasquale lives
in Italy. |
Mr. Marcial Pardo |
Boarded in Gibraltar.
From Mexico. Passed away in 2001. |
Vermiglia |
Mr. Pietro |
Boarded in Naples |
Vicini |
Mrs. Maria 35 yrs
Daughter Marina 3 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa,
from San Marino. Living in the US. Maria was 6 months pregnant. Rescued by
the Ile de France. |
Vicinoti |
Ms. Maria |
Boarded in Naples |
Vicinoti |
Mr. Angelo |
Boarded in Naples |
Villani |
Mr. Salvatore 33 yrs
Mrs. Elisabetta 34 yrs
Son Antonio 6 yrs
Son Luigi 5 yrs
Son Domenico 5 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued
by the Stockholm. The family was traveling with Salvatore's mother
Maria Perotta. Maria became separated from the rest of them. They found
her three days later in a New York Hotel. |
Vinci |
Mr. Agostino |
Boarded in Naples |
Virgili |
Mr. Martino |
Boarded in Genoa |
Vitale |
Mr. Onofrio |
Boarded in Naples |
Viviano |
Mr. John |
Boarded in Naples |
(Zivvini) |
Dr. Lucio 27 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. Sicilian doctor |
Vozella |
Mr. Giuseppe A.
Mrs. Carmela 61 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Portsmouth, NH.
Carmela treated at St. Clare's Hospital for a spine injury. |
Urso-La Spina |
Ms. Mattia |
Boarded in Naples |
Waite |
Mr. Raymond Anthony 24 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. A seminarian from
Philadelphia that tried to assist in freeing Mrs. Peterson from her cabin. Like scores of
other passengers took off his shoes to get a better grip on the sloping deck. |

Mrs. Alba 29 yrs
Son-Henry 9 yrs
Daughter-Shirley 8 yrs
Daughter-Rose Marie 3yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. From Birmingham AL. Mrs. Wells shared an
A-Deck cabin with her three children. Although her cabin door was open she couldn't leave,
for her youngest child, three and a half year old Rose Marie, was trapped by an arm caught
between her bunk and a bulkhead. Alba, Shirley and Rose Marie were rescued by the Ile
de France. Henry was rescued by the Stockholm. Alba and Rose Marie were
treated at St. Vincent's Hospital. AP Photo: Charles Wells
visits his wife and daughters at St. Vincent's Hospital.
Oggi Photo: Three year old Rosemary Wells caresses her mother's head
while her sister Shirley, 8 years old and Officer Kenneth Anderson, watches. |
Willimann |
Mr. Joseph |
Boarded in Genoa. From Zurich, Switzerland. Rescued by the
Stockholm. |
Zanier |
Mr. Walter |
Boarded in Genoa |