Ellis |
Mr. Sidney G. 60 yrs |
From Sacramento, CA. Boarded in Naples. |
Errante |
Mrs. Antonina |
Boarded in Naples-Was Giovanna Corosu's
roomate. They prayed the Rosary while waiting to be rescued. |
Ferrano |
Mrs. Maria Assunta |
Boarded in Naples |
Ferrarelli |
Dr. Luigi |
Boarded in Naples |
Fisher |
Mr. Arthur |
Boarded in Cannes.
From NY. Said he could see
crewman making their way from cabin class to first class accommodations where he said the
passengers got more help than in cabin or tourist class. "Only once in the whole two
hours did I hear the public address system, when a voice in Italian urged calmness,"
he said. "No alarm ever sounded." Rescued by the Cape Ann. |
Frank |
Mr. Clarence C. |
Boarded in Genoa |
Frank |
Mrs. Dorothy B.
Son-Marty |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the Thomas |
Franetovitch |
Mr. Nick
Mrs. Vinca |
Boarded in Genoa: From Long Beach, CA.
Vinca was rescued wearing only her dressing gown. |
Frassino-Prato |
Mrs. Pietrina |
Boarded in Genoa |
Fratto |
Mr. Giovanni |
Boarded in Naples.
Jumped off the ship into the water until he was picked up by another ship.
Passed away in 1987. |
Frederico |
Miss. Jennie 56yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Passed away in 1978 in NY. Rescued by the Ile de France. |
Freeman |
Mrs. Henrietta |
Boarded in Gibraltar. Rescued by the Thomas |
Frlekin |
Mr. Sam
Mrs. Dana |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by the Cape
Ann. |
Galasso |
Miss. Josephine |
Boarded in Naples. |
Galipo |
Miss. Maria |
Boarded in Naples |
Gasperi |
Mr. Luigi
Mrs. Severina |
Boarded in Genoa.
Both rescued by the W.H. Thomas. They were traveling with
Severina's daughter Bessie Matteri. Both are deceased.
Mr. Neil H.
Mrs. Helen |
From Erie, PA. Boarded in Naples. Rescued
by the Ile de France. |
(Gentle) |
Mrs. Viola 75 yrs. |
Boarded in Gibraltar. From
San Francisco. Rescued by the Ile de France. |
Mr. Eugene W.
Mrs. Frieda 41yrs |
Boarded in Gibraltar. From Toronto, Canada.
In the photo, Eugene looks on as his wife is helped by two nurses. Frieda fell during the
rescue and broke her arm and she was treated at St. Vincent's Hospital. |
Glaudia |
Mrs. Amelia |
Boarded in Genoa |
Goedert |
Rev. Raymond |
Boarded in Naples. Saw a womans body fall off the bow of the Stockholm
when it started its engines. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
Goldfarb |
Mr. Samuel
Mrs. Sylvia |
Boarded in Naples |
(Grego) |
Mrs. Julia 47 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Uniontown, PA
Treated at St. Clare's Hospital for a fractured spine. |
Gressier |
Mrs. Christine |
Boarded in Cannes.
From Menton, France. Shared a cabin with
Margerite Lilley. Was in the Cabin Class bar during the collision. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
Griffin |
Mr. John W. |
Boarded in Cannes. Rescued by the Thomas |
Griffith |
Mr. Joseph Chastain 17yrs |
Boarded in Naples. What became of the Andrea
Doria's ship's log is still a moot point, but Joseph, returning alone to Norman, OK
for his high school senior year, scribbled a log on a postcard. It read, allowing for his
miscalculation on the times, "10:40 p.m. collision. 11:40 p.m. abandon ship, listing
35 degrees. 1:40 a.m. taken aboard Stockholm.
Grillo |
Mrs. Angela 30
Son-Anthony 3yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Fought desperately for
twenty minutes with her luggage, which had slid against the door of her
cabin SU 147, before she
could escape with her son Anthony. Rescued by the Ile de France. Both
are living in the US. |
Grossi |
Mr. Mariano |
Boarded in Naples. Treated at Bellevue
Hospital |
Hall |
Mrs. Frances E.
Daughter Margaret 36yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by the Thomas |
Harvey |
Dr. Harold
Mrs. Constance |
Boarded in Genoa |
Haywood |
Miss. Dorothy |
Boarded in Naples |
Hendler |
Mr. Sylvan |
Boarded in Genoa. Shared cabin 114 with
George Krendell. Was in the Cabin Class bar during the collision. Rescued by the Stockholm. |

Mr. Ellis D.
Mrs. Clara
Son Eric 8 yrs
Daughter Nancy 6 Yrs
Son Jeffery 4 yrs
Son Timothy 2 mo
Son Thomas 2 mo |
Boarded in Naples.
Ellis, an Aramco official returning from Saudi Arabia on leave, was sleeping with in a
cabin with his two month old twins Timothy and Thomas. He woke and heard the babies'
bottle sliding. He ran down the corridor to the cabin his wife was occupying with their
other three children. He went back and picked up the twins and the baby bag and rejoined
the rest of the family.
Rescued by the Ile de France |
Hollinger |
Dr. Harvey 29 yrs
Mrs. Lois 22 yrs |
From Montreal. Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by
the Stockholm.
Returning from their honeymoon in cabin SU143. Harvey passed away in
1986. Lois lives in Canada. |
Hollyer |
Mr. David
Mrs. Louise |
Boarded in Genoa.
Cabin 374. Rescued by the Stockholm.
Follow the link for a detailed recollection of the collision and rescue. As
of 2004 living in the US. |
Holt |
Mr. Robert Sterling
Mrs. Delagneau Bianca Maria
Son David George 9yrs
Son Richard Stephen 7 yrs |
Boarded in Naples: From Oxnard, California.
When Mrs. Holt slipped and fell on the oily slanted deck her son cried, "Mommy please
don't die." Rescued by the Thomas |
Ippolito |
Mr. Charles (Calogero) |
From Chicago. Boarded in Naples. Treated at
St. Clare's Hospital |
Jacobs |
Mr. Milton
Mrs. Ann Jeanette |
Boarded in Naples. From New
York City NY. Returning from a European
vacation. They were separated and Mrs. Jacobs was brought to shore on the Thomas.
They reunited in New York. |
Joyce |
Mr. Martin
Mrs. Mary Louise |
Boarded in Naples |
Rev. Thomas M. |
Boarded in Naples. Passport photo of
Father Tom Kelly. The young cleric from Chicago, performed his first priestly functions
aboard the Andrea Doria, rallying the spirits of the passengers. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
Korelich |
Mr. Peter 67 yrs
Mrs. Maria 56 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa.
Today: Peter and Maria have passed away. |
Krendell |
Mr. George J. |
Boarded in Cannes. Shared cabin 114 with
Sylvan Hendler. Was in the Cabin Class bar and saw the Stockholm's lights through
a port hole after the collision. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
La Capria
Mr. Michele
Mrs. Santa |
Boarded in Naples |
La Porte |
Mr. Joseph M.
Mrs. Sidonia |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by
the Cape Ann. |
La Quaglia |
Mr. Charles
Mrs. Amabile (Mabel) |
From Elizabeth NJ. Boarded in Naples.
Injured with fractured ribs. Treated at Roosevelt Hospital. |
Lalli |
Mr. Romolo
Mrs. Rosina 52yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Rosina was injured in
the collision. Rescued by the Stockholm. Treated at Roosevelt Hospital |
Lapides |
Mr. Irving
Mrs. Dorothy (Rhonda) |
Boarded in Cannes. |
Lattaro Tocci |
Mrs. Amelia |
Boarded in Naples |
Lederle |
Mrs. Madeline
Son Neal |
Boarded in Naples |
Lilley |
Mrs. Marguerite |
Boarded in Cannes.
From London, England. Shared a cabin
with Christine Grassiere. Was in the Cabin Class bar during the collision. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
Lippi |
Mr. Onorato |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by the Thomas |
(Locito) |
Mrs. Giuseppina 57 yrs |
From Newark NJ. Boarded in Naples. Rescued
by the Ile de France. Treated at Roosevelt Hospital. |
Lucas |
Mrs. Thelma |
Boarded in Naples |
(Luber) |
Mrs. Ruth |
Boarded in Gibraltar. From
Canon City, Colorado. Was sharing a cabin with
Ruby & Ann MacKenzie. |
Lynch |
Miss. Olive |
Boarded in Gibraltar |
Macera |
Mr. Silvestro |
Boarded in Naples |
Mrs. Ruby B. 46 yrs
Daughter Ann 14yrs |
Boarded in Gibraltar. From
Canon City, Colorado. Ruby
had just finished reading "A Night to Remember", Walter Lord's classic tale of
the sinking of the Titanic. They were sharing a cabin with Ruth
Luder. Ruby and
Ann were separated during the rescue. Ruby was rescued by the Ile de France.
Ann was rescued by the Stockholm. |
Magana |
Dr. Alvaro
Mrs. Concha
Miss Maria Elena
Master Alvaro Jr.
Master Mario(a) |
Boarded in Gibraltar |
Mainiero |
Mr. Leonard
Son Leonard Jr.
Daughter Josephine |
Boarded in Naples.
Josephine was rescued by the Ile de France. |
Mangarelli |
Mr. Aniello |
Boarded in Naples |
Mangels |
Mr. Conrad Sr. 75 yrs
Mrs. Vera B. |
From Jacksonville, Fla. Boarded in Genoa.
Lost a $3,000 station wagon they had purchased. |
Manello |
Mr. Mario
Mrs. Adele |
Boarded in Naples |
Marek (Marik)
Mr. Pietro
Mrs. Irma |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by the Thomas |
Marino |
Mr. Dario |
Boarded in Naples |
Marsich |
Miss Mary 46 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. From Cleveland,OH.
Was asleep an Frances Aljinovic woke her up with "Mary, it's going to hit". |
Marturano |
Mr. Ignazio |
Boarded in Naples |
Masucci |
Dr. Italo |
Boarded in Naples. Passed away in Oct 1999. |
Matteri |
Ms. Bessie 6yrs |
Daughter of Mrs.
Severina Gasperi. Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by the W.H. Thomas. Living
in the US. |
Mazzu |
Mrs. Francesca |
Boarded in Naples |
McLean |
Miss Julianne 26 yrs |
Boarded in Cannes. Rescued by the Ile
de France. Living in the US. |
McLean |
Mrs. Grace 28 yrs |
From Norfolk, VA. Boarded in Naples. Saw
the Stockholm approach over the shoulder of her dancing partner. Rescued by the Ile
de France. |
Mc Whinny |
Mr. John
Mrs. Lois |
Boarded in Genoa |
Medcalfe |
Mr. Gordon N.
Mrs. Katherine |
Boarded in Cannes |
Mrs. Justine |
Boarded in Naples. From Valley Stream NY.
Was traveling with her son Frank Schoenborn. Rescued by the Stockholm.
(Micciola) |
Mr. Lorenzo
Mrs. Grace
Miss Adeline |
Boarded in Naples |
Miller |
Mr. Richard R. |
Boarded in Naples. From
Lakeville CT. Rescued by the Thomas. |
Milligan |
Miss. Carolyn M. |
Boarded in Genoa |
(Montepone) |
Mr. Francesco |
Boarded in Naples |
Morea |
Mr. Vincenzo |
Boarded in Naples |
Morelli |
Prof. Angelo N. |
Boarded in Naples |
Morgan |
Mr. Chester
Mrs. Lida Belle |
Boarded in Naples |
Moulton |
Mr. William S.
Mrs. Bernice |
Boarded in Genoa. From Long Island.
by the Stockholm. |
Myerscough |
Sister Angelita |
Boarded in Naples.
From Ruma IL. Had a difficult time
waking up due to taking Dramamine for sea sickness. Her room mate Giovanna woke her up. |