Agnoletti |
Ms. Teresa 70yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Walden, MA. Treated
at St. Vincent's Hospital |
Agrusa |
Mr. Francesco
Mrs. Girolama
Vita |
Boarded in Naples. |
Albanese |
Mr. Dino |
Boarded in Naples |
Alben |
Mr. Guido |
Boarded in Genoa |
Mr. Calgero
(Charles) 42 yrs. |
Boarded in Naples.
Rescued by the Ile de France. Calgero passed away in 1966. |
Alfieri |
Antonietta |
Boarded in Naples |
Altobelli |
Ms. Giovanna |
Boarded in Naples |
Ambrose |
Mr. Cosimo Damiano
72 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Claimed $1,000.00
baggage loss. From Oakland CA. Passed away in March 1965. |
Anchini |
Ms. Ida |
Boarded in Naples |
(Andrini) |
Mr. Gelsomino (James)
Mrs. Angelina 43 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. On her way to Highland, NY. Treated at
Roosevelt Hospital |
Angelone |
Mr. Alfredo
Mrs. Ida
Daughter Vincenza
Son Domenico
Daughter Silvana
Son Antonio |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the Thomas.
Alfredo and Ida have passed away, Vincenza, Domenico, Silvana,
and Antonio live in the U.S. |
Anponaco |
Mrs. Margurite 52 yrs |
From Stratford, PA. Returning from her
daughter's wedding in Rome. |
Ansuini |
Mr. Domenico
Mrs. Giulia
Daughter Melania 19 yrs
Son Pasquale 10 yrs
Son Fillipo 12 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Rescued by the Ile de France. Melania lost her grip on
a stern rope and fell into the ocean and was knocked unconscious in the fall. John Vali
jumped in the ocean to save her life. They were married eight months later. |
Antonacci |
Ms. Margherita |
Boarded in Naples.
Now deceased.
Anveo |
Mari 35yrs |
From Genoa. Treated at St. Vincent's
Hospital |
Armstrong |
Mrs. Jean
Daughter Janette |
From Wynnewood OK. Reported missing. |
Arnone |
Ms. Michela |
Boarded in Naples |
Ashjian |
Mr. Hagop Nousa
Mrs. Stella
Son Ara 2yrs
Daughter Anahid |
Boarded in Genoa. Armenians from Lebanon on their way to
California. Ara was seperated from his parents when he was lowered into a lifeboat.
parents were rescued by the Ile de France, Ara was on the Stockholm.
Hagop passed away in 1999. |
Aveni |
Mr. Tranzana Carmelo |
Boarded in Genoa. Saved up $50.00 to have when he arrived in
America. His brother, Vincent, had promised to set him up in business as a shoemaker. Mel
when he landed fingered 55 cents in change. "This is all there is left," he
said. "The rest I lost after the shipwreck."' |
Bacchelli |
Ms. Olga Bei |
Boarded in Genoa |
Mr. Alfred 41 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa.
Rescued by the Stockholm. From Forestville, CT. Passed away
February 1997. |
Balzarini |
Ms. Laura |
Boarded in Genoa |
Banchio |
Mr. Michele |
Boarded in Genoa |
Baratta |
Mrs. Margherita Pontecorvi 76yrs
Daughter Agnes 43 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. En route to Redwood City
CA. Perished. |
Barca |
Mr. Angelo |
Boarded in Naples. |
Bartoli |
Rev. Giuseppe (Joseph) |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by the Stockholm |
Bellomo |
Mr. Frank 44 yrs
Mrs. Mattia Manzari 43 yrs
Daugther Maria Collette 19 yrs
Son Louis 17 yrs
Son Joseph 7 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Heading for Rochester. Mattia and Maria
fractured their legs when they dropped more than 20 feet into a life boat. Frank and
Joseph were separated from the rest and then the family reunited on the Ile de France.
Covered in diesel oil they had lost everything. Mattia, Maria & Joseph were treated at
St. Vincent's Hospital. Mattia suffered a fractured left leg and Maria, lacerations of the
left leg.
Mattia passed away in 1998. The rest of the family lives in the US.
Bendrihem |
Mr. Joseph
Mrs. Alegria
Son Isidor |
From Tangiers. Boarded in Gibraltar.
Joseph passed away in January 2001. Alegria and Isidor live in the US. |
Benedict |
Brother Simon 73yrs |
Franciscan Brother from Brooklyn. Treated
at St. Vincent's Hospital. |
Mrs. Livia |
Boarded in Genoa. |
Berardinelli |
Mr. Camillo 28 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Rescued by the Stockholm. Camillo passed away in 1984. |
Berrutti |
Mr. Pietro |
Rescued by the Thomas. Treated at
St. Clare's Hospital |
Biffoli |
Mr. Gastone |
Boarded in Naples.
Rescued by the Ile de France. Living in Italy. |
Bifulco |
Mr. Francesco
Son Mario |
Boarded in Naples. |
(Bisle) (Bision) |
Ms. Beatrice Anna 38yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. From Memphis, Tennessee. |
Boccarossa |
Mr. Ugo 17 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Rescued by the Ile de France. Living in the US. |
Boito |
Mr. Arrigo |
Boarded in Genoa |
Bollinger |
Mr. Hugh H. |
Bolzano |
Mr. Gaetano 25 (35)yrs |
Treated at St. Vincent's Hospital. |
Bonaventura |
Mrs. Saveria 48 yrs
Daughter Liliana V. 9 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. "I saw no crew
members after the crash. Nobody gave any assistance or orders," she suffered a
sprained kneecap when she was forced to jump into a lifeboat. Saveria was
rescued by the Ile de France and was treated at Roosevelt Hospital.
She passed away in November 1999. Liliana was rescued by the Stockholm
and lives in the US. |
(Bonalini) |
Ms. Caterina (Catrina) |
Boarded in Genoa |
Bottini |
Ms. Savina |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by
the Thomas.
Boubli |
Mr. Albert |
Boarded in Genoa. From Egypt. |
Brandolino |
Mr. Lucas James 32 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the Stockholm |
Bravo |
Ms. Gerolama 41yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From Los Angeles CA.
Treated at St. Vincent's Hospital |
Bremermann |
Mrs. Laura Pittau 31 yrs |
From Fort Worth Texas.
Boarded in Naples. Sent her husband
Floyd a wireless message the day before the collision asking him to pick her up in New
York. When Floyd arrived in New York he found not only that his wife was missing, she was
not on the Andrea Doria passenger list. Laura was in A Deck Cabin
228 with three other women. The cabin was in the direct line of the
collision and they all perished. |
Breschia |
Ms. Rosa |
Boarded in Genoa |
Brocchetelli |
Mr. Gino |
Boarded in Genoa |
Brunoli |
Mr. Alfredo |
Boarded in Genoa |
Bucci |
Ms. Beatrice Jean 27
yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
From Beverly MA. Was watching the movie
Fox Fire in the dining room when the collision occurred. Rescued by the Stockholm.
Passed away in
1995. |
Buehler |
Mr. Hanns Hermann 23
yrs |
Boarded in Genoa.
Austrian Fulbright student. Rescued by the Cape Ann. Living in
Austria. |
Burrows (Barrows) |
Miss Ann 19yrs |
A sophomore at the University of Wisconsin.
Boarded in Cannes. |
Mr. Pietro
Mrs. Domenica
Grand-daughter Piera 9 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa.
Rescued by the Ile de France. Pietro and Domenica were in their
50's and are deceased. Piera is living in the US. |
Caira |
Mr. Antonio
Mr. Armando |
Boarded in Naples |
Calamai |
Mr. Mario 44 yrs |
Treated at St. Vincent's Hospital |
Caliendo |
Mr. Alfonso |
Boarded in Naples. |
Caluori |
Mrs. Elenore Mary |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by the Thomas |
Capasso |
Ms. Annunziata |
Boarded in Naples |
Capasso |
Ms. Sanita |
Boarded in Naples |
Cappello |
Mr. Pasquale
Mr. Tommaso |
Boarded in Naples |
Capponi |
Ms. Valda |
Boarded in Genoa |
Caputo |
Ms. Aniballe |
Boarded in Naples |
Caputo |
Ms. Celestina |
Boarded in Naples.
Accompannnied Germina D'Onofrio to the US. She is living in the US. |
Caputo |
Mr. Eugenio |
Boarded in Naples |
Caranci |
Nicandro 45 yrs |
Rescued by the Ile
de France |
Carbone |
Mr. Carmelo |
Boarded in Naples.
From Corona in Queens |

Mr. Mario 40 yrs
Mrs. Renata 36 yrs
Son Liviano 8 yrs
Daughter Patrizia 1yr |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by the Stockholm.
Renata passed away about 1989. Mario passed away in Oct. 2001, Liviano and Patrizia live in
the US.
Cardazzo |
Mr. Giuseppe
Ms. Maria |
Boarded in Genoa
From Ozone Park in Queens |
Carlin |
Mr. Matteo |
Boarded in Naples |
Carola |
Mr. Luigi
Mrs. Rosa 71 yrs
Daughter-Margaret 38 yrs
Teresa |
Boarded in Naples. Rosa was ill and close
to death when brought on board. She spent her voyage in the ships Women's Hospital. She
lived for a few months after the collision but her daughter Margaret was killed in Cabin
230 of A-Deck with Christina Covino and Amelia Iazzetta. |
Caronna |
Ms. Maria Donata 59 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Treated at St. Clare's
Hospital |
Casadei |
Ms. Anna Marina |
Boarded in Genoa |
Cascio |
Mr. Francesco
Ms. M. Giuseppa |
Boarded in Naples |
Castagna |
Mr. John 62 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Rescued by the Cape Ann. |
Castaneda |
Mr. Carlos |
Boarded in Gibraltar |
Castelli |
Mr. Raffaele 45yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Bronx
restaurant owner. |
Cataldo |
Mr. Vito
Mrs. Gaetana
Son Salvatore |
Boarded in Naples.
Vito passed away in 1999. Gaetana lives in the US. |
Cavalli |
Mrs. Antonia |
Boarded in Genoa. Water swiftly swirled up to her waist after
the collision. |
Cavolina |
Mr. Salvatore
Mrs. Sadie |
Boarded in Naples |
Censale |
Mr. Angelo |
Boarded in Naples |
Cerolini |
Mr. Enzo |
Boarded in Genoa |
Chiaradia |
Mrs. Eufemia Garzone 24 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Sister of Maria Garzone. Rescued by the Stockholm. Living in the US
as of January 2004. |
Chidiac |
Mr. George M. |
Boarded in Genoa. From
Lebanon, going to the US to further his studies. |
Chiesa |
Mr. Luigi |
Boarded in Genoa |
Ciallella |
Mrs. Domenica |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
Ciarlo |
Mr. Carmelo 44 yrs
Mrs. Lucia Longo 40 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Rescued by the Ile de France. Carmelo passed away in 1996, Lucia lives in the US. |
Cirelli |
Mr. Martin J. |
Boarded in Naples. |
Cirincione |
Mr. Giuseppe
Mrs. Rosalia |
Boarded in Naples |
Ciccone |
Mr. Corrado Nicolo |
Boarded in Naples. He just finished
talking to his wife via ship-to-shore telephone when he retired to his cabin, a few
minutes before the collision. Having felt the crash and hearing screams, he ran out
to the main corridor where he was half submerged in water. On the way to an upper deck he
helped a family by carrying a five year old girl in his arms. He was taken in an Andrea
Doria lifeboat to the Stockholm. |
Cinque |
Ms. Assunta |
Boarded in Naples |
Cioffari |
Ms. Anita 51 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
(Cirelly) |
Master Martin J. |
Boarded in Naples |
Colagrande |
Mr. Ezio |
Boarded in Naples |
Colavito |
Mr. Gaetano
Giuseppe |
Boarded in Naples |
Colella |
Mr. Elio |
Boarded in Naples |
(Colitra) |
Mr. John
Ms. Carmel |
Boarded in Naples |
Colombo |
Mr. Salvatore |
Boarded in Naples |
Colosi |
Mr. Nicola
Ms. Giuseppina |
Boarded in Naples |
Conigliaro |
Mr. Joseph
Mrs. Pasqua
Son-Joseph L. (Pippo) 18 mo. |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the Ile
de France. |
Contecorvi |
Ms. Margherita |
(Contenti, Contente) |
Rev. Antonio 45 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Treated at St. Clare's
Hospital for a compound fracture of the right ankle. |
Cooper |
Ms. Helen Evans |
From Westport CT. Rescued by the Cape
Ann. |
Mrs. Anna 33 yrs
Son Francesco 7 yrs
Son Filippo 4 Yrs
Son Luigi 16 mo |
Boarded in Naples. Separated during the
rescue operations, the mother and the two children arrived on the Ile de France, Luigi
was aboard the Pvt. William H. Thomas listed as "baby boy unidentified,
Italian" Today: Anna passed away. Luigi lives in Italy and Francesco
& Filippo in the US. |
(Corrao) |
Mr. Theodore |
Boarded in Naples. |
Corrado |
Mr. Salvatore |
Boarded in Naples |
Costantini |
Mr. Anselmo
Mrs. Maria Theresa. |
Boarded in Naples.
From Rocky Hill, NJ
Rescued by the Stockholm. |
Costanzo |
Mr. Antonino 29 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Was on his way to his cabin when a honeymooning couple talked him into
seeing the movie. Rescued by the Stockholm. Passed away in
1987. |
Covino |
Mrs. Christina |
Boarded in Naples. Perished with her
sister, Amelia Iazzetta, in A-Deck cabin 230.
Mr. Amedeo 24 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
On his way to Rochester. Rescued by the Thomas
Cucchi |
Mr. Rafaelle |
Boarded in Naples |
Curcio |
Mr. Benito 20 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. A-Deck Cabin 290. Rescued
by the Ile de France. |
Cusumano |
Ms. Caterina |
Boarded in Naples |
D'Addario |
Ms. Antonietta |
Boarded in Naples |
(D'Alessandro) |
Mr. Francesco
Mrs. Nedda |
Boarded in Naples |
D'Aloia |
Sister Barbara |
Franciscan Nun rescued by the Stockholm. |
D'Amico |
Mr. Giorgio Croce |
Boarded in Naples |
D'Angelo |
Mr. Vincenzo 13yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Traveling alone to join his father in the US. Living in the US. |
D'Elia |
Mr. & Mrs. Francesco
4 sons and 1 daughter |
The men were separated from the women
during the rescue and arrived in New York on different rescue ships. |
D'Elia |
Mr. Giovanni
Mrs. Anna
Son Vincenzo 21 yrs
Son Antonio 16 yrs
Son Rocco 12 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Leaped from the deck
rather than chancing a rope descent. Rescued by the Ile de France |
D'Elia |
Mr. Salvatore
Mrs. Carmela |
Boarded in Naples |
Ms. Germina 19yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Coming to the US with Celeste Caputo as a traveling companion. |
Dahan |
Ms. Miriam |
Boarded in Gibraltar |
Daro |
Mr. Giuseppe |
Boarded in Genoa |
Mr. Giovanni (John) 70yrs
Mrs. Carmela 52 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. John went to Sicily 11
months ago to visit a nephew and found a wife, he married Carmela Ribera. They were asleep
at the time of the crash. "We went running up on deck and tried to jump overboard but
we couldn't. We clung to the tilted deck three hours, terrified that the ship would
suddenly sink under us. But finally we got down ropes to the life rafts." Rescued by
the Ile de France. |
De Angelis |
Mr. Marcello |
Boarded in Naples. |
De Capite-Macini
(Mancini) |
Mr. Mario |
Boarded in Naples |
De Francesco |
Mr. Joseph
Mrs. Rosa |
Boarded in Naples. From Buffalo |
De George
Mr. Anthony |
Boarded in Naples. From Youngstown, OH.
Rescued by the Ile de France. Ciro's brother, Amadio, was also on
the Andrea Doria. |
De George
Mr. Vince |
From Youngstown, OH. Vince and his dog
were rescued and are greeted by his sister and an unidentified woman. Rescued by the Ile
de France. |
De Giovanni |
Mr. Masino 37yrs |
From Genoa. Treated at Roosevelt Hospital. |
De Girolamo |
Mr. Francesco 49
Mrs. Anna
Daughter-Maria Rosaria 18 yrs
Son-Antonio 17 yrs
Son-Nicola 14 yrs
Son-Mario 8 yrs
Son-Biagio 3 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. The family was
separated during the rescue operation. The men were rescued by the Stockholm and
the women by the Ile de France. Francesco passed away in September
2001, Anna passed away a number of years ago. Antonio, Nicola, Mario and
Biagio live in the US. |
De Grandi |
Mr. Giuseppe
Mrs. Lucia
Son Giuseppe |
Boarded in Naples. Lucia and her son perished in the
collision. |
De Luca |
Mr. Ludovico
Mrs. Teresa |
Boarded in Naples |
De Michele |
Mr. Pio
Mrs. Benedetta 48 yrs |
Boarded in Naples |
De Rubeis |
Mr. Antonio |
Boarded in Naples. Living in
the US. |
De Rubeis |
Mr. Federico |
Boarded in Naples |
De Vecchis |
Mr. Gino
Mr. Leonida |
Boarded in Naples. Stated that it was not the crew but the
ship's service personnel who panicked. It was the waiters, barbers and other attendants
who fled after the disaster. The officers and the sailors behaved correctly. |
De Vermilio |
Mr. Peter 10 yrs |
Peter was traveling alone after a three
year visit with his grandmother in Sicily. He was rescued by the Stockholm. |
Dean |
Mrs. Ellen 30 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa.
Traveling with her mother Angela Torres. Mrs. Dean from Baltimore looked over her
dancing partner's shoulder and her eyes froze in horror at the sight of the Stockholm
lights bearing down on her. "A moment later it struck us," she said.
rescued by the Ile de France. Living in the US. |
DeBartolomeis |
Mr. Achille |
Boarded in Naples.
Passed away in September 2000. |
Del Bosque |
Mr. Alfredo |
Boarded in Gibraltar |
Del Gaudio |
Ms. Teresa Maria |
Boarded in Genoa. Perished in
the collision. |
Del Monaco |
Mr. Pasqaule
Ms. Amelia
Mr. Nicola
Ms. Silvana |
Boarded in Naples |
Del Toro |
Mr. Louis |
Boarded in Naples |
Del Vecchio |
Mr. Francesco |
Boarded in Naples. Was having a drink in
the bar when the collision occured. Ran outside the bar and saw the Stockholm
backing up. Rescued by the Stockholm. Francesco and another passenger, found
Richard Hall, Ruth Roman's son, and handed him to her when the Stockholm arrived
in New York. |
Del Vecchio |
Ms. Maria (Mary) 69 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. From Bridgeport CT. Treated at St. Clare's
Hospital for mild shock. |
Della Valle |
Mr. Giuseppe
Son Lorenzo |
Boarded in Naples |
Delleo (Dalleo)
Mr. Frank 66 yrs
Mrs. Assunta |
Boarded in Genoa. Rescued by the Stockholm.
Assunta passed away in 1966 and Frank in 1981. |
Mrs. Maria 54 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. From New Rochelle.
Rescued by the Ile de France and was treated at St. Clare's Hospital. Passed
away in 1986. |
Deo |
Mr. Nicholas Joseph |
Boarded in Naples |
Di Fabio |
Ms. Adalgisa 16yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Living in the US. |
Di Fiore |
Mr. Nicola 50 yrs
Cousin Nicola |
To Mr. Di Fiore, this trip was the third one
that he was on, that the ship sank. The first two were military troop ships he was on
during World War II. Mr. Di Fiore passed away in 1992. |
Di Giacomo |
Ms. Maria
Ms. Giovina |
Boarded in Naples. |
Di Giovanni |
Ms. Maria
Ms. Beatrice |
Boarded in Naples. |
Di Ioia |
Mr. Michele |
Boarded in Naples.
Living in the US. |
Di Leo
(De Leo) |
Mr. Attilio 21 yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Rescued by the Stockholm. |
Di Luzio |
Mr. Maria |
Boarded in Naples. Perished |
Di Luzio |
Mr. Pietro
Mr. Angelo (Angela) |
Boarded in Naples |
Di Michele |
Mr. Antonio
Mrs. Concetta |
Boarded in Naples. Concetta perished. |
Di Paola |
Mr. Enrico
Mrs. Maria
Son Bruno 20yrs
Daughter Cecilia 15yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Cecilia descended a rope
and was pulled into a lifeboat by Liliana Dooner. Rescued by the Cape Ann. |
Di Pego
Mr. Gino 52yrs
Mrs. Maria 53 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa.
Going to San Francisco. Maria was in her cabin and Gino was up at the bar
when the collision occurred. Gino was petrified and refused to jump into
the lifeboat. Maria actually pushed him, he grabbed a rope and would
not let go and she punched his knuckles until he let go and dropped into
the boat. Maria actually jumped over the side and landed on her back
in a life boat and suffered from back pain all of her life. Gino was treated at St.
Vincent's Hospital.
Maria was rescued by the Cape Ann. She was living in the US and
passed away in March 2003.
Gino was rescued by the Ile de France and passed way around 1991. |
Di Sandro
Mr.Tullio 35yrs
Mrs. Filomena 29yrs
Daughter-Norma 4yrs |
Mr. & Mrs. Di Sandro were rescued by
the Ile de France, Norma by the Stockholm. Mr.
Di Sandro dropped his daughter into a lifeboat before the crew was ready to catch her in a
blanket. She fell headlong into the lifeboat and struck the railing with her head. Her
parents didn't she her again until two days later in Boston's Brighton Marine Hospital
where she died with a fractured cranium. She never regained consciousness. The 51st
fatality. Click on their name for a link to the full story. |
Di Schino
Mr. Damiano 44 yrs
Mrs. Elisa 35 yrs
Daughter Alessandrina 10 yrs
Daughter Maria Pia 7 yrs |
The family was separated during the rescue.
Elisa and children were rescued by the Ile de France. Damiano was rescued by the Stockholm. |
Di Sipio |
Mr. Giovanni |
Boarded in Naples. |
Di Vincenzo |
Ms. Elda |
Boarded in Naples. |
Diana |
Mrs. Angiolina 49yrs
Son Biaggio 8 yrs
Daughter Victoria 6 yrs |
Boarded in Naples.
Coming to the US to join her husband. They perished in the collision. |
Diener |
Ms. Rosina 59yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. From Vienna, Austria. Treated at St.
Vincent's Hospital |
Donato |
Mr. Antonio |
Boarded in Naples |
Mrs. Liliana 24yrs
Daughter-Maria 2yrs |
Boarded in Naples. Liliana hoisted her
daughter, Maria, on her shoulders and began the climb from C-Deck cabin 641 to the
lifeboats. While lowering her into a lifeboat with a rope, Maria slipped out of the rope
and fell into the ocean. Liliana jumped in after her and both were hauled into a lifeboat.
When a 15 yr old girl named Cecilia DiPaola descended the rope Liliana went back for her
and brought her to the lifeboat. Rescued by the Cape Ann. Liliana
and Maria live in the US. |
(Dorin) |
Ms. Kathleen |
Boarded in Genoa |
Mr. Klaus C. 26 yrs |
Boarded in Genoa. Helped lower older passengers with ropes
tied around their waists off the ship. Rescued by the Stockholm. He
is living in Germany. |